Tuesday 4 December 2012

2012 - Race 20 - Brazilian GP & End of Season Report



First, I must start with a bit of sad personal news.  I came home today to find all my doors and windows smashed in and everything gone.  What sort of sick person does that to someone's Advent calendar?

Well, we’ve come to the end of another season which, like our competition, went down to the wire. No-one dominated the F1 driver’s championship and no-one dominated our competition, even if the same teams regularly appeared at the top and bottom.  So, how much did we raise for charity and who won the personal prize from the additional £1’s?  In spite of the number of entrants being down on the previous two years due to the recession and the continued ‘restructuring’ at Eaga plc - I refuse to call it Carillion Energy Services as they have not been of service to anyone previously employed by Eaga - we had the magnificent total of 146 teams entered, and I managed to extract the entry fee from 140 of them.  Those who didn’t pay have disappeared off the radar, presumably because of the aforementioned ‘restructuring’.  In spite of the reduced number of teams entered, the amount that will be donated to charity this year is almost the same as last year, mainly due to the magnificent generosity of you, the entrants, many of whom chose to donate more than the basic entry fee for charity or entered multiple teams.  My heartfelt thanks to everyone who went above and beyond for the sake of others less fortunate than us.

So, who were the winners, which charities have benefited from their generosity, and who won the additional £1 entry fee personal prize?  Those deserving of praise, please stand and acknowledge the applause from your peers.  Those deserving of embarrassment, please look away now.

Before I give the final overall places report I would like to mention some of the highlights – and lowlights – that have been enjoyed by some of our idiotic collective this season.  First we had 20 races that produced 19 different winners, with only Rupert Murdoch Will Ruin F1 and Tiggywiggy winning two each…lucky devils.  At the other end we had 17 different teams that came last in a race, with See What Alcohol Does To You? and Lee (Stoney) Stonehewer both doing this twice, showing that some people shouldn’t be allowed to breed.  There is also an honourable mention for The Leg Ends, the only team to come both first and last in a race this season…the crazy mixed up fool.

The last honourable mention of this seasonal review is for the person that guessed closest to this laps total, this being Jason Young with his Verbalkint team, with his guess of 25,193 laps.  The actual total of all of the laps was 25187, only six less than his guess.  If only he had used the same crystal ball to select his teams.

In the Battle of the Genders the girls took sympathy on the men, allowing them to win by 501 points to 490, reinforcing the men’s view that a woman’s work is never done because they don’t get up early enough.  However, the girls still won the overall competition by 7920 points to 7910, reinforcing their view that when sex isn’t involved men have an attention spam smaller than most bacteria.  Finally, anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

So, who has finished the season in a blaze of glory and who has been shot down in flames? All of the bottom ten occupants are delinquents already known to the authorities, and they have returned to the den of iniquity for a dose of reality before they compile their Christmas presents wish list for Santa.  In 137th place with 323 points we have Paul Szomoru looking very sad at this performance, which is most appropriate for someone whose surname means ‘sad’ in Hungarian.  In 138th place with 301 points we have Merlions, our Singapore flyer plummeting to earth again.  In 139th place with 288 points we have Dirty Leeds, two words you never hear in the same sentence today, just like you’ll never hear the words ‘Lewis Hamilton’ and ‘MacLaren’ in the same sentence again.  In 140th place with 287 points we have CaspAir Racing, who is happy that he’s not being sectioned under the Mental Health Act for his performance this season.  In 141st place with 279 points we have Stephen Neild, who is happy that he’s not being castrated to prevent him from breeding for his performance this season.  In 142nd place with 267 points we have LUFC Andy who now believes he has less chance of picking a winning team than of the Vogon’s coming along and destroying the planet to make way for an intergalactic highway.  In 143rd place with 253 points we have John Casement who loves life in Japan, but the only yellow people I trust are the Simpson’s.

Occupying the inverse podium of shame, in 144th place with 192 points we have Lee (Stoney) Stonehewer, who, in return for a season of performance so bad, doesn’t even deserve a ceremonial death by tigers.  In 145th place with 188 points we have Blast From The Past, who has found out that the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off because of budget cuts.  In 146th and last place with 161 points we have Clueless Aussie who, it is rumoured, once had a boyfriend with a wooden leg, but she broke it off.

Our decadent decade this time has two new debutants; still, better late than never.  In 10th place with 661 points we have Nick's No Hopers who often breaks into song because he can't find the key, and who I had the pleasure of annoying on a daily basis when he worked with me…well, someone had to do the work.  In 9th place with 676 points we have David Parkin showing that this Doctor’s sonic screwdriver is still working well.  In 8th place with 677 points we have Henry Crun who once fell into an upholstery factory but is now fully recovered.  In 7th place with 683 points we have Ava Honora regaining some honour by finishing with a flourish.  In 6th place with 688 points we have Colin Potts, a Fantasy F1 virgin this season with a performance worthy of Mary Magdalene.   In 5th place with 690 points we have Verbalkint signing off in style with his best performance of the season but still failing to hit the heights he hoped for.  In 4th place with 699 points and making his seasonal debut we have JCs Superstars, who has kept his light under a bushel all season, i.e. finished nowhere interesting, and now bursts onto the scene with more shocking impact than a fat lass on a Parisian haute couture catwalk.

We have a first for our podium squatters this time.  In joint 3rd place with 701 points we have the Siamese twins of Wide Castores Abiertas and Wideopen Beavers, two teams that have the same name, albeit in different languages, with the same score from the same entrant.  Finally, with 720 points our winner is Charlton's Chumps, winning a race for the first time, so he deserves to bathe in ass’s milk.

The inmates at the bottom are as exposed to humiliation as a snowman in winter.  In 137th place with 6311 we have Alright Here? who is alright now that the season is finished and the embarrassment will stop.  Dropping to 138th place with 6261 points we have Blast From The Past, who is sick of people mocking his lack of height and wishes he had higher elf esteem.  Dropping to 139th place with 6037 points we have Lee (Stoney) Stonehewer, who gets enough exercise by just pushing his luck.  Still in 140th place with 5584 points we have From Marussia With Love, feeling less loved than Stalin in a gulag.  Remaining in 141st place with 5310 points we have Erik The Elephant, evidence that everyone has the right to stupidity some people abuse the privilege.  Static in 142nd place with 5247 points we have Donnelly's Danglers, who says that age is only important if you're cheese or wine.

The occupants of the inverse podium are now entombed there for posterity.  In joint 143rd place with 5030 points we have And In Last Place! and Bottom of the Barrel, a couple who will never be auctioneers because they have to know Lots.  In 145th place with 5004 points we have Last Man Standing, who is perfectly suited for a career in the demolition industry because he’s left a trail of destruction behind him.  Finally, still in last place with 4929 points we have See What Alcohol Does To You?, alias Kevin Nicol, who wins the booby prize of £58.55 for coming last and suffering nine months of abuse, much like a pregnant woman's body.  Kevin recently went to Debenham’s to get his long suffering wife, Gill, a Christmas present.  Always short of money, he thought long and hard about what that present might be.  Unable to decide, Kevin went to the cosmetics section and said to the sales girl, 'How about some perfume?'  She showed him a bottle costing £75.  'Too expensive,' muttered Kevin.  The young lady returned with a smaller bottle for £50.  'Oh dear,' Kevin groused, 'still far too much.'  Growing rather annoyed at Kevin’s meanness, the sales girl brought out a tiny £10 bottle and offered it to him.  Kevin became really agitated. 'What I mean', he whined, 'is I'd like to see something really cheap,' so the sales girl handed him a mirror. 

To compensate for this Kevin has decided to donate his booby prize money to the Mick Knighton Mesolothemia Fund.  Gill’s Auntie Anne and Chris Knighton both lost their husbands to this disease, and they were at Buckingham Palace last month to collect an MBE for Chris as this charity has now raised £1m for research - http://www.mkmrf.org/2012/11/chris-knighton-receives-mbe-from-the-queen/

At the top of the table the names are boringly familiar to us all.  Remarkably, in a tie for joint 8th place with 9174 points is the strident trident of Ailene Marshall, Bluebottle and Erik Estrada with their tribute act to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, in that order.  Remaining in 7th place with 9312 points we have Neddie Seagoon, a man who has less sex in his life than there is in the Levinson report.  Dropping dramatically to 6th place with 9320 points we have Martony Racing 1  who can now get back to the  serious business of baling out Spain the water from his boat in Spain.  Remaining in 5th place with 9400 points we have Bis Bravehearts, a proud Scot who once found a fly in his whiskey and then grabbed the fly by the throat and shouted, 'Now, spit out all that you swallowed.'  Rising to 4th place with 9501 points, but just missing the money, we have Do'nut Donnelly who has to be careful with drinking this Christmas because he got so drunk last year he found himself dancing in a cheesy bar, or, as his long suffering wife, Angela, calls it, a delicatessen.

Our prize winning podium occupants remain the same, but not in the previous order, and are pleased to have fought off the challenge from those trying to get their hands on the goodies.  Dropping to 3rd place with 9544 points we have Fletch Lives, alias Malcolm Fletcher, a man not so much born as hewn from a chunk of granite, with the sensitive nature to match.  Mal reaps the reward for years of perseverance and is donating his prize of £87.83 to Help For Heroes.  Dropping off the pinnacle to 2nd place with 9620 points we have Hercules Grytpype-Thynne, who wins £146.38 for his chosen charity, and is the only team to be in the overall top ten all season, but still not good enough to win outright.  Finally, the champagne, winner's laurel wreath and our congratulations go to our winner this season, who, with 9655 points, is, amazingly, Eccles, our resident village idiot, showing that luck beats skill every time, and who wins £292.75 for his chosen charity.  In addition, 80 of our gallant band suffered from delusions of grandeur and opted to pay the additional £1.00 entry fee in the hope of winning the personal prize, and thus the winner of the personal prize of £80.00 is Eccles, and he is also donating this to his chosen charity.

For those of you who know me, it will come as no surprise to find out that both Hercules Grytpype-Thynne and Eccles, together with all of the other Goon Show named entrants, are the alter egos of me, Lawrence Connelly, appropriate for someone who is more idiot than idol.  Lawrence’s reward for entering eight teams, in the hope that he’ll get lucky with one, is that he wins combined prize money for first place and second place of £439.13, which, together with the personal prize of £80.00, gives a total of £519.13.  Lawrence is donating all of this to charity and splitting it equally between three charities, The Great North Air Ambulance, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, and The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.  With the benefit of Gift Aid this will mean that the total of £665.50 donated this year will be worth £831.88 to the chosen charities.  This means that over the last nine years, since I started to charge you the price of a pint for the masochistic privilege of being abused by me, this little piece of stupidity in the name of fun has raised £4,320.50 for charity, which with Gift Aid is worth £5,400.63 to the chosen charities.  Well done everyone.

My best wishes to you and your family for a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.  I hope that you all stay dry, warm, and safe this yuletide, and I hope to see you taking part again next year with as many of your friends, family and colleagues as you can harangue into taking part.  In view of the continued uncertain employment outlook for many people, if you haven’t sent me or have changed your private email address please send it, or any comments you wish to make, to me at lawrence.connelly@gmail.com and then I’ll be able to invite you to take part in next season’s competition, which starts with the Australian GP in Melbourne on 17 March 2013.  If you do not receive an email from me inviting you to take part next season please check the blog from the end of February next year for details.

So, that concludes the 2012 season.  I’m pleased, as I feel I ran out of funny things to write around August and the reports since then have been a struggle to write at times, so I hope the rest recharges my creative batteries, allowing me to invent new ways to abuse you next year.  I hope you have enjoyed the experience this year and my sincere thanks to you all for your participation this season.

(alias Eccles, Hercules Grytpype-Thynne, Neddie Seagoon, Major Dennis Bloodnok, Bluebottle, Count Jim Moriarty, Henry Crun, and Last Man Standing)

Monday 3 December 2012

2012 - Race 20 - Brazilian GP Results

Race Result
Name Race Total Race Position
Charlton's Chumps 720 1
Wide Castores Abiertas 701 2
Wideopen Beavers 701 2
JCs Superstars 699 4
Verbalkint 690 5
Colin Potts 688 6
Ava Honora 683 7
Henry Crun 677 8
David Parkin 676 9
Nick's No Hopers 661 10
Faffanella 659 11
Count Jim Moriarty 655 12
Rupert Murdoch Will Ruin F1 655 12
Hector Santiago 654 14
Red Bull Gives You Wins 654 14
Mr McManus 652 16
Do'nut Donnelly 643 17
Dean Keaton 641 18
Mike Banks 641 18
Michael Maughan 634 20
Tiggywiggy 630 21
Cyberdyne 101 625 22
Kaiser Souse 625 22
MON's Love Machine 615 24
Hezza's Heroes 1 607 25
Virgin On The Impossible 604 26
Smoke Tabs, Drink Beer, Talk Shite 603 27
Mr Kobyashi 597 28
Jenson Daniel Lewis 593 29
Racing Sambo 591 30
Mrs Button Wanna Be 588 31
Never Red 587 32
Mean Machine 00 583 33
Lapped Again 579 34
Neeeaaaooowww 576 35
Team MON 574 36
Martin Bell 571 37
Will I Get More Than 0pts In a Season? 571 37
Ailene Marshall 567 39
Bluebottle 567 39
Erik Estrada 561 41
Major Dennis Bloodnok 561 41
Neddie Seagoon 561 41
Charlie Max Gallagher 560 44
In Arsense We Trust 555 45
D&J's Dream Team 551 46
Ticketyboo Guess Who 551 46
Mr Fenster 550 48
Eccles 549 49
Autobots 548 50
Celtic Heroes 548 50
Benjamins Brown Button 546 52
Team Holynski 545 53
Mack The Knife 542 54
Down Under Girl 539 55
Team NDC 537 56
Millenium Falcon 533 57
Dan Johnston 531 58
Pedro Leatherland 531 58
HF1 Racing 530 60
NorfolkandChanceF1.com 529 61
Luck of the Irish 524 62
Leeds, Leeds, Leeds! 522 63
Team Di Besta 518 64
Craig Pattison 517 65
Mr Hockney 517 65
Alright Here? 516 67
At Risk 511 68
Lardinho F1 511 68
Singapore Slingers 510 70
Peter Leatherland 507 71
Dannielle Johnston 504 72
Bis Bravehearts 502 73
Lucy Lu 502 73
From Marussia With Love 489 75
Hezza's Heroes 2 489 75
Olivia's Army 489 75
And In Last Place! 486 78
Bottom of the Barrel 486 78
Donnelly's Danglers 485 80
Erik The Elephant 484 81
I Love Shoes 484 81
Last Man Standing 484 81
Nick's Numpties 483 84
See What Alcohol Does To You? 483 84
Louise McGill 480 86
Mr Redfoot 479 87
Spot the Dog 479 87
F1 HFH 478 89
Steven Rogers 476 90
Hercules Grytpype-Thynne 472 91
JCs Magical Mystery Tour 471 92
Endoskull 470 93
The Leg Ends 467 94
Bazinga 466 95
X-Wing 463 96
Are You The Farmer? 459 97
No Eye Deer 458 98
Brazil or Bust 457 99
Cayman Judo Sheen 453 100
Red 5 450 101
White Lightning 449 102
Team Stalled 445 103
Stephen Neild AR 443 104
Mack-Aroony 438 105
For Whom the Bell Tolls 437 106
Claire Teuma 432 107
JDL Inc. 430 108
Julie Gallagher 429 109
Sidders NDC 426 110
Party With Marty 424 111
Cattermole F1 423 112
Hadld Racing 423 112
Fletch Lives 421 114
Houghton Bird 421 114
Bullet Proof Bomb 415 116
Mickey's Motors 411 117
Ben GP 410 118
Black Cats F1 410 118
Pedro Da Gallagher 410 118
Martony Racing 1 405 121
Celebes Racing 402 122
Bread of Heaven 401 123
Fork It! 399 124
Chase Unnamed Joy 397 125
In Arsene We Rust 394 126
Martony Racing 2 387 127
Warning: Contains ASBESTOS 378 128
Toma's A Team 368 129
Flowery Quest 362 130
Zephyr JS Racing 354 131
GazzaF1 352 132
Return of the Mac 349 133
Slicksmyballs 331 134
Emma Balmbra 330 135
Hugh Jarce 325 136
Paul Szomoru 323 137
Merlions 301 138
Dirty Leeds 288 139
CaspAir Racing 287 140
Stephen Neild 279 141
LUFC Andy 267 142
John Casement 253 143
Lee (Stoney) Stonehewer 192 144
Blast From The Past 188 145
Clueless Aussie 161 146
Male Average =
Female Average =
Overall Position
Name Overall Total Overall Position
Eccles 9655 1
Hercules Grytpype-Thynne 9620 2
Fletch Lives 9544 3
Do'nut Donnelly 9501 4
Bis Bravehearts 9400 5
Martony Racing 1 9320 6
Neddie Seagoon 9312 7
Ailene Marshall 9174 8
Bluebottle 9174 8
Erik Estrada 9174 8
Major Dennis Bloodnok 9123 11
Peter Leatherland 9083 12
Count Jim Moriarty 9076 13
Mack The Knife 9055 14
Red Bull Gives You Wins 8998 15
Tiggywiggy 8968 16
Martin Bell 8919 17
Will I Get More Than 0pts In a Season? 8919 17
Paul Szomoru 8902 19
White Lightning 8885 20
Henry Crun 8861 21
Mr Fenster 8860 22
Mack-Aroony 8837 23
Hector Santiago 8831 24
F1 HFH 8824 25
MON's Love Machine 8783 26
Wide Castores Abiertas 8766 27
David Parkin 8755 28
HF1 Racing 8664 29
D&J's Dream Team 8626 30
Wideopen Beavers 8617 31
Charlton's Chumps 8593 32
Hezza's Heroes 2 8587 33
Millenium Falcon 8585 34
Neeeaaaooowww 8582 35
Endoskull 8553 36
Mike Banks 8551 37
JCs Magical Mystery Tour 8536 38
Ticketyboo Guess Who 8529 39
Virgin On The Impossible 8523 40
Brazil or Bust 8503 41
Never Red 8491 42
Slicksmyballs 8487 43
Toma's A Team 8484 44
Bread of Heaven 8457 45
I Love Shoes 8424 46
Racing Sambo 8423 47
Pedro Da Gallagher 8326 48
Autobots 8315 49
X-Wing 8314 50
Team Di Besta 8297 51
Mickey's Motors 8296 52
Houghton Bird 8266 53
Martony Racing 2 8259 54
Nick's Numpties 8236 55
Sidders NDC 8230 56
Bazinga 8222 57
Ben GP 8202 58
Faffanella 8169 59
Mr Redfoot 8151 60
Verbalkint 8147 61
Mr McManus 8146 62
Ava Honora 8113 63
Return of the Mac 8104 64
Dean Keaton 8102 65
JCs Superstars 8100 66
No Eye Deer 8094 67
Hugh Jarce 8052 68
CaspAir Racing 8048 69
Dan Johnston 8030 70
Smoke Tabs, Drink Beer, Talk Shite 8001 71
Stephen Neild AR 7984 72
Dannielle Johnston 7976 73
Louise McGill 7965 74
Rupert Murdoch Will Ruin F1 7946 75
Party With Marty 7927 76
In Arsene We Rust 7924 77
NorfolkandChanceF1.com 7892 78
Team NDC 7876 79
Are You The Farmer? 7862 80
Lardinho F1 7861 81
Michael Maughan 7859 82
Benjamins Brown Button 7846 83
Fork It! 7840 84
Mr Hockney 7837 85
Cyberdyne 101 7822 86
Kaiser Souse 7822 86
Leeds, Leeds, Leeds! 7813 88
Luck of the Irish 7806 89
Pedro Leatherland 7802 90
In Arsense We Trust 7789 91
Dirty Leeds 7778 92
Clueless Aussie 7773 93
Mean Machine 00 7761 94
Cattermole F1 7751 95
Flowery Quest 7751 95
Hezza's Heroes 1 7731 97
Steven Rogers 7708 98
Singapore Slingers 7705 99
Bullet Proof Bomb 7690 100
Celebes Racing 7682 101
At Risk 7677 102
Warning: Contains ASBESTOS 7642 103
Team Stalled 7627 104
Chase Unnamed Joy 7602 105
LUFC Andy 7548 106
Jenson Daniel Lewis 7539 107
JDL Inc. 7496 108
Stephen Neild 7484 109
Red 5 7458 110
Celtic Heroes 7421 111
Emma Balmbra 7419 112
Julie Gallagher 7385 113
Zephyr JS Racing 7382 114
Nick's No Hopers 7366 115
Hadld Racing 7345 116
Lapped Again 7344 117
Cayman Judo Sheen 7324 118
Colin Potts 7312 119
Spot the Dog 7309 120
Craig Pattison 7305 121
Olivia's Army 7228 122
Black Cats F1 7215 123
Mr Kobyashi 7187 124
Down Under Girl 7184 125
Claire Teuma 7076 126
The Leg Ends 7070 127
John Casement 7025 128
Team MON 7017 129
Charlie Max Gallagher 6998 130
Mrs Button Wanna Be 6943 131
Lucy Lu 6942 132
GazzaF1 6634 133
Team Holynski 6545 134
For Whom the Bell Tolls 6459 135
Merlions 6410 136
Alright Here? 6311 137
Blast From The Past 6261 138
Lee (Stoney) Stonehewer 6037 139
From Marussia With Love 5584 140
Erik The Elephant 5310 141
Donnelly's Danglers 5247 142
And In Last Place! 5030 143
Bottom of the Barrel 5030 143
Last Man Standing 5004 145
See What Alcohol Does To You? 4929 146
Male Average =
Female Average =
