Saturday 7 December 2013

2013 - Race 19 - Brazilian GP and End of Season Report

Well, we’ve come to the end of another season, during which Sebastian Vettel dominated the driver’s championship almost as much as the men dominated the women in our piece of fun.  In spite of the number of entrants being down on the previous two years due to the recession and the continued ‘restructuring’ at Carillion Energy Services we had the magnificent total of 116 teams entered, and I managed to extract the entry fee from 113 of them.  Those who didn’t pay have disappeared off my radar, presumably because of the aforementioned ‘restructuring.’  Because of the reduced number of teams entered the total amount that will be donated to charity this year is reduced on last year, but the average donation per team actually increased.  My heartfelt thanks to everyone who went above and beyond the call of duty for the sake of others less fortunate than we are.  May Santa Claus be kind to you.
So, how much did we raise for charity, who were the winners, which charities have benefited from the winners’ generosity, and who won the additional £1 entry fee personal prize?  Those deserving of praise, please stand and acknowledge the applause from your peers.  Those deserving of embarrassment, please look away now.
Before I give the final overall places report I would like to mention some of the highlights – and lowlights – that have been enjoyed by some of our idiotic collective this season.  First we had 19 races that produced 14 different winners, with Peter Leatherland and Singing In The Rain winning three each…lucky devils.  At the other end we had an unlucky 13 different teams that came last in a race with Pedro Gallagher and Parking At Rascasse both doing this three times, showing that, when it comes to F1, some people have an IQ smaller than their shoe size.  There is also a dishonourable mention for Kerrie Goodall 1, the only team ever to come first and then last in consecutive races.
The last honourable mention of this seasonal review is for the person that guessed closest to the laps total, this being Paul Szomoru with his guess of 22,750 laps.  The actual total of all of the laps was 22,778.  If only he had used the same crystal ball to select his team; he came 5th overall but, like his lap prediction, close but no cigar.
In the battle of the genders the men toyed with the ladies, like a cat with a mouse, before beating them by a single point, 509 to 508, just to rub it in.  In the overall race the men beat the ladies by 8762 points to 8465, thus maintaining their view that plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise.
Even at this late stage of the season we still have one debutant.  In 107th place with 378 points we have Erik Estrada adjusting his budgie smugglers in an effort to hide his deficiencies.  Finally making his debut in 108th place with 352 points we have 1st GB who has been using Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak all season but has now foolishly cast it aside to expose himself to the full glare of public humiliation.  In 109th place with 350 points we have Pedro Gallagher continuing to do for Formula 1 what jihad has done for world peace.  In 110th place with 332 points we have Mr Kobyashi a usual suspect who has been going downhill since his highpoint in 2010 finally surfacing this season for his debut in a position the should be prosecutable.  In 111th place with 324 points we have Do'nut Donnelly going round in ever decreasing circles and disappearing up his own sugar coating.  In 112th place with 299 points we have Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, & More Shoes! with a performance flatter than a ballet slipper.  In joint 113th place with 283 points we have At Risk and Chaser Slayer a pair who were the inspiration for the John Lewis Christmas TV advert…one sleeping most of the time and one without much hare hair.
Occupying the inverse podium of shame in 115th place with 243 points we have Charlie Max Gallagher who was hoping for better than this, much as he’s hoping for better presents at Christmas to compensate for the humiliation he’s suffered because of his Dad’s poor team selection for him…hint to Dad.  Finally, in last place with 185 points we have Mackaroony who couldn’t be more embarrassed if she was publically vajazzled, although aren’t they meant to be seen in public or else what’s the point?
Now, who’s suddenly happier than an arsonist on Guy Fawkes Night?  In 10th place with 632 points we have Down Under Girl experiencing that rare pleasure of being on top for a change.  In 9th place with 635 points we have Singing In The Rain breaking into the Hallelujah Chorus at full voice.  In 8th place with 639 points we have Donnelly's Danglers shining brighter than the baubles on a Christmas tree.  In 7th place with 641 points we have Stew the Brew showing he has more kick than Special Brew.  In 6th place with 649 points we have Evo continuing her evolution into an intelligent life form.   In 5th place with 664 points we have David Parkin who is one doctor that is performing better than the NHS, even if he isn’t a medical doctor, just more in need of a medical.  In 4th place with 670 points we have Robbies Banger Racing showing that this is one banger that didn’t explode on Guy Fawkes Night. 
Who are those on the podium that are happier than an Eskimo in an ice cream factory freezer?  In 3rd place with 687 points we have Stop Up Villa continuing to perform at a level that is higher than the national opinion of the Brum accent.  In 2nd place with 693 points we have Willy Wonka with his highest finishing position of the season, but it’s like his love life… too little too late.  Taking the champagne and trumpet fanfare, our winner with 725 points is Robbie The Reindeer finally getting his reward for all his hard work, and wondering why at Christmas the reindeer only get a carrot while the fat guy they haul around gets the mince pies and sherry.
In the overall standings whose standing is lower than David Milliband’s opinion of his brother Ed?  Rising to 107th place with 7344 points we have Stuart Gunn just failing to achieve redemption and escape from purgatory.   Rising to 108th place with 7271 points we have Flip Me Again making a superhuman effort to escape but just failing, like a human cannonball falling short of the net.  Rising to 109th place with 7263 points we have Larry's Shirt who had a row with his boss recently, but that’s one of the perks of working near a boating lake.  Rising to 110th place with 7200 points we have Blanche blanching at the embarrassment she’s brought upon herself but blushing less than some of the male welders she worked alongside when she used industrial language as they’d never heard such a sustained use of Anglo Saxon expletives without repetition, deviation or hesitation in such a posh accent.  Falling to 111th place with 7188 points we have Charlie Max Gallagher asking for all this season’s results to be treated like all embarrassing things relating to the Royal family and embargoed under the 100 years rule.  Slipping back again to 112th place with 7147 points we have Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, & More Shoes! who should get a pair of wellies as her hopes this season have sunk beneath the waves without trace.  Rising to 113th place with 7069 points we have Hezza's Heroes 2 escaping the pit of doom with a mighty leap.
Which triumvirate occupying the inverse podium of shame are now left without hope?  Stuck in 114th place with 7021 points we have Peter Baker whose performance this season has been worse than the England cricket team in the Ashes in Australia.  Dropping to 115th place with 6960 points we have Pedro Gallagher whose performance this season resembles his pet, a turkey.  He’s wondering what to give his pet turkey for Christmas…I suggest he gives it hope.  Finally, rooted like a mighty oak in last place, with 6856 points we have Baja Scoch, the only team to be in the bottom ten overall all season and plumb last for all bar two early races.  Now that’s a performance that I hope is far less funny than Adrian Hull, the embarrassed team owner, has for his stand-up routine.
Now, whose hopes are soaring higher than Ed Milliband’s opinion of himself?  Rising to 10th place with 9947 points we have David Parkin finally getting the rewards for the years he spent getting a higher education.  Dropping to 9th place with 9958 points we have Houghton Bird suffering the after effects of too much pre-New Year’s Eve training.  Rising again to 8th place with 9967 points we have Robbies Banger Racing who has exceeded all of his expectations and prevented me from humiliating him again…but there’s always next season.  Slipping to 7th place with 9987 points we have Ayr Town Centre seeking listed status to prevent being knocked down, instead of being knocked back as usual.  Dropping out of the money to 6th place with 9995 points we have Cymru F1 crying all the way to the bar for a consolation drink…or eight.  Remaining in 5th place with 10003 points we have Paul Szomoru and if he can maintain his rate of improvement this season from last season into next season – try saying that drunk - should win by a country mile, unless he’s walking the wrong way.
Now, who after a long and arduous season has won the money for their chosen charities?  Leaping into the money and 4th place for the first time this season with 10034 points to claim prize money of £50.25 (£62.81 with Gift Aid) we have Stop Up Villa, alias Steve Jones, who arrived here later than most brides do at their wedding.  Steve is donating his winnings to Cancer Research UK.  Our podium occupants remain unchanged.  In 3rd place with 10207 points we have Pedro Leatherland the monster who wins £75.38 (£94.22 with Gift Aid) but remains behind his master, the mad scientist Peter Leatherland who claims 2nd place with 10350 points and wins £125.63 (£157.03 with Gift Aid) for his trouble.  Peter is donating his third place prize of £75.38 to the DEC Typhoon Haiyan Appeal, and donating his second place prize of £125.63 to COCO, which is an international children’s charity based in Newcastle upon Tyne. COCO works with communities in remote regions overseas to alleviate the poverty preventing children’s education. COCO stands for Comrades of Children Overseas, a name taken from the famous Comrades Marathon in South Africa which both their Co-Founders, Steve Cram MBE and Jim Panton, ran back in 1998. They both realised the impact fundraising could have on the lives of people blighted by poverty and believed that education provided the answer to overcoming poverty – you can see more at: 
Finally, our winner with 10596 points is Singing In The Rain who, for those who know of my good fortune on The Chase earlier this year, will have guessed is me.  I was lucky on The Chase with the question about Singing in the Rain and was lucky with my team selection this season.  Still, with eight teams I was hoping that one of them would come good.  For my sins I have won £251.25 for first place which together with the personal prize of £67.00 makes a total of £318.25 (£397.81 with Gift Aid) all of which I am donating to the following charities; Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, Great North Air Ambulance, and the Salvation Army.
With the benefit of Gift Aid this will mean that the total of £569.50 donated this year will be worth £711.88 to the chosen charities.  This means that over the last ten years, since I started to charge you the price of a pint for the masochistic privilege of being abused by me, this little piece of high speed stupidity in the name of fun has raised £4,890.00 for charity, which with Gift Aid is worth £6,112.50 to the chosen charities.  Well done everyone.
My best wishes to you and your family for a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.  I hope that you all stay dry, warm, and safe this yuletide, and I hope to see you taking part again next year with as many of your friends, family and colleagues as you can harangue into taking part.  If you change any of your email addresses please send me your new email address and then I’ll be able to invite you to take part in next season’s competition, which starts with the Australian GP in Melbourne on 16th March 2014.  This date is going to cause me a problem as I have booked a 14 night Caribbean cruise starting on 1st March to celebrate Lady Audrey’s 60th 21st birthday on 3rd March and the plane back home lands in Newcastle on 16th March.  Call me an old romantic but I’m considering taking Lady Audrey with me on the cruise.  I am therefore sweating on all of the teams announcing all of their drivers well in advance of the 2014 season starting so that I can get the entry form out before the cruise starts and bully encourage you all to take part again. 
If you do not receive an email from me inviting you to take part next season please put a reminder in your diary to check the blog from the end of February next year for details.
So, that concludes the 2013 season.  Finally, my thanks to Sir Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the Internet, thus opening up an invaluable resource I used for research and plagiarism, thus allowing me to invent new ways to abuse you.  I hope you have enjoyed the experience this year and my sincere thanks to you all for your participation.
(Alias Beast Basher, Catch Me If You Can, Chaser Slayer, Labbett Lambaster, Series 6 Episode 45, Singing In The Rain, Thank You Ke-mo Sah-bee, Turin Triumph)