Thursday 6 February 2014

2014 Competition Entry Details

Geordie Nation Charity Fantasy F1 Competition 2014
Entry Details

It’s just the price of a pint so get a round in!  Please forward this to all of your friends, colleagues, family, etc.

This bit of fun was started in 2001 by a dozen people in Eaga Partnership Ltd who liked a laugh, and it was a happy place to work where having fun with your work colleagues was encouraged. Now this bit of fun is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, and raises money for charity. The minimum entry fee is just the price of a pint, £3.50. Entrants can choose to donate more to charity, and many do. The money raised from the entry fees is donated to charity, the winners choosing the charities the money is donated to.

The new season is upon us, so here are the values and scoring rules for the Geordie Nation Charity Fantasy F1 Competition 2014. This is the best excuse I have to encourage and have some fun with my fellow entrants and, as previous entrants will know, make endless fun of any efforts that may appear dopey, daft or downright lucky, and, as the ultimate judge, the classification of such efforts is at my sole discretion!  If you're a Geordie Nation Charity Fantasy F1 virgin I promise I'll be gentle with you, at least until the second race. I also use “promise” in the same way as all politicians.  So, if you want some fun, here goes. 

This year you choose the maximum amount of your entry fee you wish to go to charity.  You can pay the minimum entry fee of £3.50 or whatever the equivalent is in your local currency, all of which will go to charity, or you can pay more for charity.  Over the last nine years, since I started to charge you the price of a pint for the privilege of being abused by me, this little piece of stupidity in the name of fun has raised and donated almost £5,000 to charities chosen by the winners, and the charities, with the benefit of Gift Aid, have benefitted by over £6,100. If you’re feeling lucky you can pay an additional £1 with all of the additional £1’s going towards a personal prize for the three highest placed additional £1 entrants in the same ratio as the charity prizes for them to spend as they wish.  Last year 67 people paid the additional £1 to try and win the personal prize which went to the highest placed additional £1 entrant. If you are feeling generous and philanthropic you can decide to pay more than the minimum £3.50 entry fee for charity, the choice is yours.  If you want to pay more than the minimum entry fee how about entering more teams rather than pay more for just one team?  Last year the Young family of Jason, Michele and Naomi entered a total of 13 teams and paid £71.50.  Can any family or group of friends equal or beat that?  It gives the same result for the charities and gives you more chance of winning and picking a charity you want to benefit.

Irrespective of the entry fee you decide to pay, there are huge egalitarian philanthropic prizes for the winners as they get to nominate the charities that the money raised is donated to.  Last year we raised and donated £569.50 to charity, and Gift Aid further increased the value of the donations to £711.88. The winners last year and the charities they chose to benefit from their largesse were as follows.

Lawrence Connelly, courtesy of entering eight teams, came first. This gave him prize money of £251.25, and he also donated the personal prize of £67.00 to charity, giving a total charity donation of £318.25 which he shared equally between The Great North Air Ambulance, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, and The Salvation Army. Peter Leatherland entered two teams and had the good fortune to come second and third winning a total of £201.00. He donated his £126.00 prize for second place to Comrades of Children Overseas (COCO), and he donated his £50.00 prize for third place to Cancer Research UK.
If we get more entrants and raise more money we’ll be able to give more prizes.  So, tell all of your colleagues to enter or bully them into it if they are scared of having their automotive deficiencies aired in public. If they’re just apathetic and too lazy to enter, shame them into admitting that they’re just selfish and don’t have a charitable bone in their body, and especially no funny bone.

You don’t need to know anything about Formula 1 to enter or win.  It's just for fun with nothing at stake but your pride and ego. The ladies are just as good as the men – one year a lady won by picking her team based on the best looking drivers and prettiest cars!  Add some spice by having your own department / family / company competition.  Make your own rules for your competition – for example, the loser buys the others a pint at the end of the season.  Even ex-Eaga employees and their family members are still taking part from homes all over the world for the fun, and God knows we all need a bit of fun in the current economic climate.

Below is the entry form and details of the values and points scoring for the 2014 competition, and the results of the 2013 F1 championship to assist your deliberations. You must make your entries in the cells coloured green.  You must select 4 drivers, 2 chassis and 2 engines, and the total value of your selections must not exceed £55,000,000.  The drivers, their chassis (teams) and the engines in their cars are all on the same line for ease of identification. For example, Nico Hulkenberg drives for Force India, who build their own chassis and they use Mercedes engines, and they each have the following values.

Nico Hulkenberg
Force India

You must also complete the laps 'tiebreaker' that will be used to determine the final places in the unlikely event of people selecting identical teams.
If you have not already been emailed the team selection Excel spreadsheet by me and want the automatic calculating Excel spreadsheet please email me and I will send it to youUsing the automatic Excel spreadsheet makes your team selection easy; you don't even need to be able to add up. Just mark your choice of drivers, chassis and engines in the 'Selection' column and your total team value will calculate automatically and even tell you when you have missed something.  Enter your choice of entry fee and your personal details, using the drop-down menus where appropriate.  Please also add both a work and home email address if you have them both.

Alternatively you can use the team selection values below and use a calculator.  When you have made your team selections save each of your team selections, attach them to an email and email them to me at

Geordie Nation Charity Fantasy F1 Competition 2014 - Values & Team Selection
Mark your selections, including the laps tiebreaker, in the sections coloured green. Total team value must NOT exceed £55,000,000
Team Name: Work email: Gender: 
Home email: 
ConstructorDrivers (Select 4)Chassis (Select 2)Engines (Select 2)
Red BullSebastian Vettel £23,000,000  Red Bull £10,000,000  Renault £6,000,000  
Red BullDaniel Ricciardo £18,000,000  Red Bull £8,750,000  Renault £4,750,000  
FerrariFernando Alonso £22,000,000  Ferrari £9,750,000  Ferrari £5,750,000  
FerrariKimi Räikkönen £17,000,000  Ferrari £8,500,000  Ferrari £4,500,000  
LotusRomain Grosjean £21,000,000  Lotus £9,500,000  Renault £5,500,000  
LotusPastor Maldonado £16,000,000  Lotus £8,250,000  Renault £4,250,000  
McLarenJenson Button £19,000,000  McLaren £9,000,000  Mercedes £5,000,000  
McLarenKevin Magnussen £14,000,000  McLaren £7,750,000  Mercedes £3,750,000  
MercedesLewis Hamilton £20,000,000  Mercedes £9,250,000  Mercedes £5,250,000  
MercedesNico Rosberg £15,000,000  Mercedes £8,000,000  Mercedes £4,000,000  
WilliamsFelipe Massa £10,000,000  Williams £6,750,000  Mercedes £2,750,000  
WilliamsValtteri Bottas £6,000,000  Williams £5,500,000  Mercedes £1,500,000  ENTRY FEE
SauberAdrian Sutil £13,000,000  Sauber £7,500,000  Ferrari £3,500,000  My entry fee (min £3.50) 
SauberEsteban Gutierrez £7,000,000  Sauber £6,000,000  Ferrari £2,000,000  Plus £1 for personal prize?Yes / No
Force IndiaNico Hulkenberg £12,000,000  Force India £7,250,000  Mercedes £3,250,000  Amount for charity:£0.00
Force IndiaSergio Perez £11,000,000  Force India £7,000,000  Mercedes £3,000,000  
Toro RossoJean-Eric Vergne £9,000,000  Toro Rosso £6,500,000  Renault £2,500,000  TIEBREAK
Toro RossoDaniil Kvyat £8,000,000  Toro Rosso £6,250,000  Renault £2,250,000  Tiebreak: Estimate the total number of laps completed by all 22 drivers in all 19 races of the 2014 season. In the event of a tie, the nearest estimate will decide the winner.  Last season the total was 22,778 laps for 22 drivers from 19 races.
CaterhamKamui Kobayashi  £5,000,000  Caterham £5,750,000  Renault £1,750,000  
CaterhamMarcus Ericsson £4,000,000  Caterham £5,250,000  Renault £1,250,000  
MarussiaJules Bianchi £3,000,000  Marussia £5,000,000  Ferrari £1,000,000  
MarussiaMax Chilton £2,000,000  Marussia £4,750,000  Ferrari £750,000   Tiebreak laps total:  

If you have any questions please email me.  To prevent errors please check your entry before you send it.
Entries must be emailed to me to be received by 02:00am on Saturday 15th March 2014. This gives you plenty of time to make your selections and ensures that entries are received before the Saturday qualifying session of the Australian GP, the first race of this season.  Any entries received after this time will still be entered but may receive the lowest competitor score for each Grand Prix that has been completed prior to the entry being received by me.


To prevent me being sued for libel for making "inappropriate comments" you must understand that in the post-race reports I issue I will be mercilessly seeking out any opportunity to have some fun at your expense – see last season’s reports on the web for proof. The key words here are fun and merciless!  For those of a sensitive disposition...I do tend to push all the boundaries in my quest to extract every ounce of humour…be warned!  This quest for fun can be on the grounds of stupidity / ignorance / gender / nationality or anything else that takes my fancy if your performance warrants it.  I also praise outstanding performances by those that actually win races or show any skill at all, or luck as everyone else will call it.  By entering you understand that in the event of coming at the bottom of the results you will most definitely become a target for humiliation.  If you are of a sensitive disposition and don't want to be the subject of ridicule by your mates in the name of fun then you can still enter but tell me when you submit your entry and I'll respect your wishes. I may be a sadist, but I’m a sensitive one. 

Anyone can enter so tell all of your colleagues, friends, enemies, family, etc. Pass this on to others not on the email list.  It’s only the price of a pint so get a round in with your mates or, better still, have a competition binge with your mates.  You can enter as many teams as you like.  Any or all of your teams can be entered under an assumed name but each team must have a different name, the funnier the better if you use an alias.  You must submit a separate entry form for each team you enter. 

GET YOUR ENTRIES INPLEASE!  Try to raise some money for a charity of your choice anywhere in the world and have a laugh with and at your colleagues, friends, family, etc.  It’s just good clean fun.
Best wishes and good luck,
Lawrence Connelly (aka the final adjudicator)