Thursday 8 January 2015

2014 - Race 19 - Abu Dhabi GP Report



Well, we’ve come to the end of another season, which produced more psychological warfare between a Brit and a German, Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg, than Lord Haw-Haw produced during World War 2.  In spite of the number of entrants being down on the previous years we had the magnificent total of 93 teams entered, and I managed to extract the entry fee from 86 of them.  My heartfelt thanks to everyone who entered and paid, thus helping others less fortunate than we are.  You will be pleased to know that you raised a total of £443.00 for charities, which is worth £553.75 with Gift Aid.  I hope that Santa Claus was kind to all who paid their entry fee.

But first I have some good news and some bad news.  The seven teams that didn’t pay were owned by three entrants who have disappeared off my radar and failed to respond to my emails, and in one case she refused a personal approach by colleagues on my behalf.  The good news is that in an earlier email I threatened to name and shame those entrants who did not pay their entry fee in spite of multiple requests and the threat of enhanced interrogation techniques.  The bad news is that in response to the many entrants who did pay and emailed me to say that I should name and shame I’m not going to break the habit of a lifetime and name them, but, Ian Weeks, David Hadley, and Rachael McCabe know who they are.  And now for something completely different…

This season we had 19 races that produced eight different winners.  At the other end we had 12 different teams that came last in a race, while we had seven teams that spent all their time in mid table anonymity and successfully evaded comment all season.  An honourable mention goes to Kirsty Clunie who with her guess of 20,900 laps was closest to the actual total number of 20,923 laps run.  If only she had used the same crystal ball to select her team.

In the race battle of the genders the men, boringly, won again, winning by 439 points to 425, thus extending their overall lead to 8409 points to 8163 and reinforcing their view that when dealing with girls a kiss is just shopping upstairs for downstairs merchandise.

In 84th place with 305 points we have Robbies Banger Racing seeing his hopes of anonymity blown sky high.  In 85th place with 300 points we have Michael Maughan who, after years of being roasted by me, has now developed a skin so thick it is being tested by NASA for use as the heat shield on Orion, the new Mars space capsule.  In 86th place with 299 points we have On the Right Track hitting another dead end.  In 87th place with 275 points we have Do'nut Donnelly with another stale performance.  In 88th place with 272 points we have Team Tuna sinking to the bottom like a dead fish.  In 89th place again with 267 points we have Hezza's Hero's pleased that the season has now finished so that she can go out without a disguise.  In 90th place with 252 points we have Pie Axe not getting any gravy on this train.

Occupying the inverse podium of shame, in 91st place with 243 points we have Erik Estrada displaying his film star looks…Shrek.  In 92nd place with 240 points we have the appropriately named Hugh Janus blotting out the sun and any hope of achieving respectability.  In 93rd and last place with 212 points we have La Dolce Vita showing very little dolce and no vita. 

Our top ten this time includes one new debutant…better late than never.  In 10th place with 552 points we have The Don failing to make me an offer I can’t refuse.  In joint 8th place with 564 points we have Baja Scoch 2 and Thor's Hammer making music together, like Jedward.  In joint 6th place with 579 points we have Bring Back Kinnear saving his best for last and making his first and only appearance in the top ten this season, and Milton De Silva returning for his second dose of praise, thus putting him in credit versus the abuse he’s received this season.  In 5th place with 584 points we have Glutæus Maximus who has been a real pain in the derriere for all of the other entrants this season as he has collected points more regularly than a Nectar card.  In 4th place with 585 points we have Nandrolone finally stepping up again but showing that drugs are not the answer unless you’re a loser…or Lance Armstrong.

Over podium squatters this time all have something to celebrate.  In 3rd place with 587 points we have Fellside Fools finally making the podium at last and getting his Christmas present early.  In 2nd place with 601 points we have Titan Uranus hoping to tighten his grip on some money.  Finally, our winner for the first time this season with 651 points is Deb's Delights screaming in delight so loud that it makes Meg Ryan look like she’s lost her voice in ‘that scene’ in ‘When Harry Met Sally.’

In the overall standings the cells at the bottom are occupied by the same inmates who have had a quick game of musical chairs.  Rising to 84th place with 6675 points we have El Paso by Marty Robins almost escaping the dungeons like his almost namesake Tim Robbins in The Shawshank RedemptionDropping again to 85th place with 6662 points we have On the Right Track who has now reached the terminus.  Stuck in 86th place with 6623 points we have Bottom of the Barrel +1 who soon hopes to be able to go out and not have children point at him in the street and laugh.  Dropping to 87th place with 6591 points we have Hugh Janus who can now stop making an ars* of himself.  Rising to 88th place with 6372 points we have Abu Dhabi or Bust whose self-esteem has followed the price of oil.  Dropping to 89th place with 6224 points we have La Dolce Vita who now needs a defibrillator to restart his vita.  Stuck in 90th place with 6152 points we have Do'nut Donnelly, the role model of Homer Simpson.

Our inverse podium of shame occupants have now been in the same positions longer than Stonehenge.  In 91st place with 6090 points we have Team Mackarel who has been well and truly kippered this season.  Comatose in 92nd place with 5954 points we have Hezza's Hero's who tried to be a volunteer for the Samaritans but they rejected her saying they had enough problems to deal with.  Still anchored in 93rd and last place with 5471 points we have FlippersDivers V1 who is thankful that the season is now finished.

As with those at the wrong end of the table, the top ten are the same, they have just shuffled about uncomfortably, like the members of a police line-up.  Stuck in 10th place with 10553 points we have Debbie Does Dallas delighted to have come on top and not in the bottom.  Also static in 9th place with 10626 points we have Thor's Hammer beating on again about how he used to be a big noise.  Dropping to 8th place with 10720 points we have Kaiser failing with his last big push to make any advance on the western front, or any front for that matter.  Slipping to 7th place with 10757 points we have Bad Hat Harry who is now looking for a hat big enough to fit his head after a season that has exceeded hi expectations.  Losing his grip on reality and slipping to 6th place with 10791 points we have Stig Of The Dump sliding down like dung off a shovel. 

So who won the money and which charities benefited?  Slipping again to 5th place with 10793 points we have Evo, alias Kirsty Clunie, our laps Goddess.  Normally she would not have won any money for finishing outside the top four places.  However, as she has spent almost all season in second place, just crashing out at the very end, and was so close with her laps prediction, our overall winner has taken pity on her and given her his personal prize of £30.00 to donate a charity of her choice, this being Cancer Research UK.  Reaping the rewards of her race win, and the trampoline she prayed for which allowed her to leap up to 4th place again with 10818 points we have Deb's Delights and she is donating her prize of £41.30 to the Ebola appeal.  In 3rd place with 10840 points we have Breaking Down Bad who is donating his prize of £61.95 to St. Oswald’s hospice.  Remaining in 2nd place with 10940 points and winning £103.25 we have Titan Uranus, who did not get the miracle he prayed for and so remains behind our winner who, with 11549 points is, no surprises, Glutæus Maximus, and he wins £206.50 for his chosen charities.  Our winner and second placed teams are both the property of the same entrant who, being the shy retiring philanthropist that he is, wants to remain anonymous.  That means he is dividing his total winnings of £309.75 equally and donating £103.25 each to the Salvation Army, Save The Children and the Alzheimer’s Society.

My best wishes to you and your family.  I trust you all had a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year and hope that 2015 will be a good year for you all.  I hope to see you taking part again in 2015 with as many of your friends, family and colleagues as you can harangue into taking part.  If you change any of your email addresses please send me your new email address and then I’ll be able to invite you to take part in next season’s competition, which starts with the Australian GP in Melbourne on 15th March 2015.  This date is going to cause me a problem as I have booked a Caribbean cruise starting on 27th February to give Lady Audrey a well-earned break from looking after her Mum, and the plane back home lands in Manchester on 14th March.  I am therefore sweating on all of the teams and their drivers being announced well in advance of the season starting so that I can get the entry form out before the cruise starts and bully encourage you all to take part again.  The 2015 season looks somewhat fraught with difficulty as two teams have gone out of business this season and there are questions over how many races there will be.  To paraphrase Confucius, we live in interesting times.

If you do not receive an email from me inviting you to take part next season please put a reminder in your diary to check the blog from the end of February next year for details.  So, that concludes the 2014 season.  I hope you have enjoyed the experience this year and my sincere thanks to you all for your participation, good nature and selfless charity. 


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